1. To my best friend and my soul mate. Justin, you ARE the best thing that has EVER happened to me. I love every little thing about you. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and I could not stand being without you. You know me like a book, even if you don't think it's true. You are the best!
2. To my older sister, Tayia, even when we were young we never really did get along well. You are too headstrong and I'm too aloof. It always seemed like you knew what you were doing and I admired that (and still do). We might not be as close as we both would like, but you will always be my friend no matter what.
3. To my youngest sister, Samantha, you're growing up too fast, damn it! I'm so proud of you for being so smart and actually going to college. I feel like your life is making mine look like crap, but I still think you are amazing. You know how to make everyone around you happy. I miss playing barbies in the kiddie pool and sharing a room with you. Even if I said I hated it, I knew that you were always there to talk to.
4. To my mother, I am your biggest fan. You gave me all of the things I needed and I don't think I ever really thanked you for that. Thank you, you have no idea how much I love you. You are the best person I know and you don't take any crap. You put up with my bad attitude and mood swings, you fixed my wounds, and you taught me not to sell myself short.
5. To my father, no matter how many things you might say, you are still my daddy. You are still a hero in my eyes no matter how many tears may blur that. I love you!
6. To my cousin, Micah, don't hurt yourself for someone else. I know that I'm younger than you, but not by that much! Live your life the way YOU want to, just know that the "Leech girls" stick together... no matter what, we're blood. I wish that we could all get together and have a sleep over again. Soda shots, midnight cheerleading, playing in the playhouse, Thanksgiving, board games, hot tub dares in the snow, BBQs, we all laughed so much back then.
7. To my friend, Amanda, I miss you so much! I miss talking to you on the phone until I get yelled at for long distance charges. I miss your face, camp, the Yosemite trip, running "away" from home, everything! I am so sorry for not being there for anything. You have no idea how long I cried when I saw the pictures from your wedding.
8. To my friend, Rachel, dream big, shoot far, you've come a long way. :D Think about it really HARD. haha
9. To Lady Gaga, Po-po-po-poke'r damn face already!
10. To my high school math teacher, obviously... I haven't committed suicide... maybe you should. Why in the hell did you tell my parents that I was suicidal when I wasn't. Just because I thought your class was extremely boring doesn't mean I was going to kill myself... well I guess hearing you talk made me want to... so I guess you're right. You're dumb.