Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Worm

Day 5- 5 of your favorite books

My favorite book in the entire world is 'A Wizard's dozen' by a collaboration of authors. I love the fact that it's a book of awesome short stories. It has everything magical in it, from fairies to wizards, and dragons to sea nymphs. This book was my fantasy world.

Another amazing book that had me trapped in it for years is 'Others See Us' by William Sleator. It may look really cheesy from the front, but I swear it's a GREAT BOOK!

Super book number three belongs to 'House of Stairs'. Another book by William Sleator, but great as well!

Teriffic book number four is saved for the entire Harry Potter collection! These books are amazing!

And Last, but not least, 'Secret of Spring' by Piers Anthony. Awesome book! I loved every page!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Day 4- 4 pictures that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside

Pictures of babies make me very happy, but at the same time very sad. I love to see their beautiful little faces, but at the same time I want it to be mine. I want to never give it back to it's mother. :(
Baby boy sleeping by Focusje

The amazing graphite sketches that are done freehand by myself and others make me feel all fuzzy... :)

More pictures that make me all warm and fuzzy are some like these!
Monday Mosaic::Swirly Lollipops by Simply Embellish
Wedding Kiss - wedding veil by smoothdude
Old and new hand by Familia en Jeans
take my hand by Justin.Williams
ECA Proposed Final Panel by Samantha Jones Photography

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Day 3- 3 of your favorite animals

My most favoritest animal in the whole world is the blue heron. I love how elegant and graceful it is.
Blue Sunset Heron by acodus
My second favorite animal is the giraffe. I think it is one of the most beautiful animals in the entire world.
Caress of a mother by SheOgre/ Michele is back from the races!
And last but not least, the magnificent sea turtle. It's majestic and lovely and I want to see one some day.
Sea Turtle - Tubbataha UNESCO World Heritage Reef, Palawan by tommyschultz

Monday, September 20, 2010

Places, Places!

Day 2- 2 places you want to visit before you die

There are so many places in the world to go! It's extremly difficult to pick just two, so I'll just tell you all of the places that I want to go sometime in my life.

    First place that I'm dying to visit would have to be Paris, France. I fell in love with the language and ever since I took French in high school, I've wanted to go. 
Eiffel Tower - Paris by DiGitALGoLD
    Next place I would love to go to is DisneyWorld! :) Everyone who knows me and my family know that we all love EVERYTHING DISNEY!!! Going to the biggest happiest place on earth would be amazing! 
Sarah and Tom's Walt Disney World Top 30 Must Sees - #2 by Tom Bricker (WDWFigment)Disney Studios on Google Earth with 3D Buildings on. by jamesandtimDisney World Florida by wadeuk
Disney World Florida by wadeukTree of Life by Atwater Village Newbie                     
    Other places that I might enjoy going to, include: The Grand Canyon, the Louvre, the Smithsonian, the Easter Island Heads, England to see Stonehenge awesomeness, Dublin, Ireland to see the Guiness Factory, Hawaii, Scotland, Taj Mahal, Australia, Machu Picchu, Niagara Falls, Venice, and I would like to visit Yosemite again.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Day 1- 1 tail of any animal on your fanny forever, what would it be?

      If I were to have a tail, I think that I would want a giraffes.
                                                                 End of the Matter -- Giraffe by kretyen                        
I like giraffes and I think that their tails are prettier than some animals. I believe that it wouldn't get in the way too much and it's a pretty color. If I couldn't have a giraffe tail, I would probably have to go with a peacock. I like a lot of color and I think that it would be amazing to show off.
Peacock Tail, Long View (1 of 4) by Tony the Misfit (Back Soon)


First and foremost, I got this awesome list of fun from my sister Tayia. (Thank you for helping me figure out how to link you and I hope you're happy)

I love these kinds of lists... I'm not really sure what they're called but I enjoy telling the world all about me. :)
So.... here it goes....

Day 1- 1 tail of any animal on your fanny forever, what would it be?
Day 2- 2 places you want to visit before you die
Day 3- 3 of your favorite animals
Day 4- 4 pictures that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside
Day 5- 5 of your favorite books
Day 6- 6 movies you could watch over and over
Day 7- 7 foods or drinks that make you think of any holiday
Day 8- 8 random things you love (not including people)
Day 9- 9 memories that make you smile
Day 10- 10 things you'd like to do sometime in your life

Friday, September 17, 2010

Losing at Losing?

First, let me tell you a story about two young women who work in a bakery... :)

           One day, in about mid august, two friends (who work in the same bakery) decided to make a deal. This deal was not like any other deal they had ever made before. It was almost like a pact. A pact to do something with our lives. A pact to lose weight.
           The deal was that the one who lost the least amount of weight, before a certain time, had to buy the other one a trip to the movies.
           I don't know how to lose a lot of weight other than through exercise and dieting and I seem to have stopped losing weight all together.
           I lost a few pounds in the first week, followed by a few more in the second week. It's the beginning of week three and I'm not even close to losing the amount she's already lost. I've lost about six or seven pounds total and she has almost three or four less than me. I'm getting extremely frustrated because I'm practically eating nothing and working out constantly. I've done more cardio so far this month than I think I have in my entire life.
          I am not going to resort to diet pills or anything like that... but, man, I sure have thought about it. 
          I'm getting tired of being obese. At least, that's what my Wii fit tells me (in a happy, cheerful tone(bitch)).
          Any suggestions on how I can shed weight? I'll definately share with my friend. Even though I want to win, I'm not going to be a jerk about it. :)